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 Union Station New Haven


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  Ed V u l liamy’s article on poverty and income inequality in the United States focuses on New Haven, Connecticut , as an example of the stark differences in wealth that exist there . He   employs the narratives of homeless individuals, whose daily struggle for survival takes place in close proximity to Yale University, one of the most prestigious and wealthy institutions of higher learning in the country. Also presented are the voices of the working poor, whose labor keeps the machinery of Yale going, yet they struggle to break free of the culture of poverty . He describes the incongruity of such poverty existing in the shadow of enormous wealth and offers New Haven as being emblematic of America’s income inequality. While the problems of homelessness and poverty have not gone away in the decades since the 2002 article, Mayor Justin Elicke r’s 2024 State of the City address is hopeful that programs that the city has initiated can address some the issues and improve the
  New Haven Harbor looking from Sandy Point West haven
  “ Yankee Elysium ” chronicles the rise and fall of the Elm Tree in New England and New Haven in particular . Campanella sees the planting of shade trees, and Elms in particular, in villages and cities of New England as an intentional design intended to ameliorate the negative effects of urban growth. Incorporating the pastoral into its growing villages and cities was in keeping with the Jeffersonian vision of America as a nation of ‘ y eoman f armers ,’ and worked as a hedge against the sins inherent in large cities as seen in the Old World. At its pinnacle in the latter half of the 19 th century, the st ately rows of Elms provided a n antidote to the rush of progress in cities across the country. New Haven, dubbed the “Elm City,’ w as singled out in praise by leading writers and prominent leaders. These same voices anguished over the devas tation of the Elms that progress, abetted by the Dutch Elm Disease and the 1938 Hurricane , brought to New Haven , New England, and t