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  The chapters from Mendez’s book relates the story of Black soldiers in the Union Army during the American Civil War. He details the recruitment process, the experience of the troops in battle, the circumstances of their families on the home front, and for those that survived the war, their reunion with loved ones. The Emancipation Proclamation authorized the forming of Black regiments and provided an opportunity for Black men to fight for the country they lived in, prove their worth as citizens, and risk their lives to end slavery. He acknowledges the doubts, born of racial prejudice, held by whites concerning whether Blacks would perform well as soldiers. Those doubts were soon overcome by their courageous actions at Port Hudson, Milliken's Bend, and the assault on Fort Wagner. In addition to the mortal danger faced by the troops, there were the sacrifices their families made, often being without a means of support, and lacking the benefits that society provided for the families of White soldiers. Mendez describes the postwar experiences of several families and details how some of the Black soldiers were able to use their military experience to pursue new careers and how their accomplishments brought hope to many in their community. 

I liked how Mendez used the narratives, through letters and pension records, to provide a human element to the story.  A Great Sacrifice is an especially apt title. Beyond the ultimate sacrifice that many made, I was especially struck by the sacrifices that the soldiers loved ones had to make. Being a single mother is difficult in any age but certainly more so in the 1860’s, when racial prejudice and discriminatory laws were the norm, even in the north.  I was cheered to see the inclusion of Alexander Newton (of our own 29th) and his homecoming. I was surprised to learn that in the North, Blacks enlisted at a higher percentage relative to their population than whites. Perhaps owing to these two chapters being out of context from the entire book, I felt Mendez’s assessment of the post war adjustments for these soldiers and their families seemed overly optimistic, knowing what we do about the long struggle for civil rights.  


  1. Brian, I agree with your critique. I think this is generally an overly-optimistic view. While he does acknowledge "sacrifice" as you say, he probably could have written a much darker history. Why do you think he doesn't? What is Mendez's argument for why black soldiers served in greater proportion to their numbers in the Union Army than white soldiers?


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